CRK Jamb Past Questions and Answers Pdf

English Past Question 2021

CRK Jamb Past Questions and Answers PDF – The Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) is a Nigerian entrance examination board for tertiary-level institutions. The board conducts entrance examinations for prospective undergraduates into Nigerian universities.

If you are in your last stage of Secondary School Education (May/June) or not in the School system, the importance of using Past questions in preparing for your JAMB, cannot be over-emphasized. By using past exam questions as part of your preparation, you can find out what you already know. You will discover the pattern of jamb questions especially if you are a first-time participant. For others who have had the experience before, you will just have to re-strategize with the help of this past question so can score the required cut-off mark and be eligible for admission.

In this last question, you will get to see past JAMB CRK random repeated questions for free. You will also understand how JAMB sets its Christian Religious Knowledge questions and many other examination details.

CRK Jamb Past Questions and Answers Pdf

Why you need CRK Jamb Past Questions and Answers Pdf

  1. Helps work out the time required for each question.

2. Identifies the style of exam questions (short-answer, multiple-choice, or essays)

3. Helps practice exam techniques.

4. Helps identify key subject areas to focus on in revision.

CRK Jamb Past Questions and Answers Pdf Pattern

Based on Jamb Past questions, the questions will be based on objectives or multiple choice patterns. We have made it simple for you. We bring all the questions which are usually in objective format since it is now in CBT. We have put them together but we indicate the specific years for every question and the correct answers to save you time. All you need to do is to devote quality time to studying the Past Questions.

Sample of CRK Jamb Past Questions and Answers PDF


1. David did not allow Abishai to destroy Saul because he
A. believed in the judgment of God
B. wanted to avoid being guilty before the Lord
C. wanted to disarm Saul before killing him
D. wanted to see if Saul would repent eventually.

2. The reward for total obedience to the commandments of God is
A. wisdom
B. life and length of days
C. knowledge
D. marital possessions

3. Adam named his wife Eve because she was
A. deceived by the serpent
B. the one that misled him
C. the bone of his bones
D. the mother of all living.

4. What was the immediate reaction of Moses when he cast his rod on the ground at Mount Hereby and it became a serpent?
A. He shouted for joy
B. He fled from it
C. He took it by the tail
D. He caught it immediately

5. The consequence of King Solomon’s failure to keep the LORD’S commandments was
A. God’s promise to tear away part of the kingdom
B. the disloyalty of his subjects
C. the rebellion of the vassal states against his rule
D. the loss of God’s favor

6. According to Prophet Isaiah, the creative ability of God is likened to that of a
A. potter and his earthen vessel
B. ruler and his followers
C. master and his servant
D. Shepherd and his sheep

7. David departed from there and escaped….. and when his brothers and all his father’s house heard it….. In the statement above, where did David escape?
A. Mizpeh of Moab
B. The land of Judah
C. The cave of Abdullam
D. The wilderness .of Engedi

8. Hiram, King of Tyre, was friendly with King Solomon because he
A. was afraid of war
B. wanted to assist
C. loved the wisdom of Solomon
D. loved David, Solomon’s father

9. ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you… where was Abraham when this command was given
A. Sheckem B. Bethel C. Ur D. Haran

10. The LORD repented of the evil which he intended for His people because Moses
A. burnt the golden calf which the people made
B. broke the tablets out of his hands
C. made the people drink the water of the burnt calf
D. reminded Him of his promise to Abraham, Isaac

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7 Tips to Prepare for CRK Jamb Exams

  1. Don’t make reading your hobby: A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be a top priority, not a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  2. Get Exams Preparation Materials: These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Babcock University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastery of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  3. Attend Extramural Classes: Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will help you refresh your memory and boost your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  4. Sleep when you feel like When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
  5. Make sure you are healthy: Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse, or a doctor. Make sure you are well.
  6. Eat when you feel like it: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, and to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you enhance retention.
  7. Reduce your time on social media: Some people live their entire lives on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you score as high as

We wish you good luck!

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