English Past Question and Answer pdf

English Past Question 2021

English Past Question and Answer pdf – English is one of the major subjects in jamb. Before you register for jamb exams, you must set the modalities through which you would follow in studying for the exams. Texts to be read for the exams are always recommended and candidates are expected to cover all aspects of the recommended text to be effectively prepared for the exams.

even if you don’t need the past question for anything, you need to get it because a large chunk of the questions is gotten from English language. Jamb places so much emphasis on the English language and as such, one hundred questions are extracted from that subject alone for the exams.

English Past Question and Answer pdf Patterned

As is customary in jamb exams on all subjects, Jamb English past question follows the multi-choice pattern. Questions are given in the company of 3-4 suggested answers and the candidate is expected to choose the most appropriate option from the stream of options.

We have made it simple for you. We bring all the questions which is usually in the objective pattern. We have put them together but we indicate the specific years for every question and the correct answers in order to save your time. All you need to do is to devote quality time to study the Past Questions.

English Past Question and Answer pdf

Why you need English Past Question and Answer pdf

As a candidate that is determined to make it in the exams, you do not need to be motivated to get a copy of the past question. But in any case, we have decided to show you some of the benefits of getting this past question. See below.

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The speed at which you will answer questions in the actual exams after having studied this past question will definitely be different from the one you would have used without having studied the past question. This is because as you constantly study the past question, you get used to the terms and as soon as it occurs in the exams, you quickly spot the answer and move on to the next question. This will continue until you are done answering the questions.

Most students sometimes lose marks not necessarily because they do not have answers to the questions but because they run out of time. I know I mentioned that you can use past questions books but there is only one way you can check your speed and that is with the Past Questions. Pounds to Naira

-You can explore and master answers to the questions

Questions that otherwise would have confused you in the exam hall will not get you sweating because you have the chance to find answers while solving past questions. It is important to take time to check the answers to the questions you solve them.

Sample of English Past Question and Answer pdf

We have made it simple for you. we bring all the questions which is usually in objective format. We have put them together but we indicate the specific years for every question and the correct answers in order to save your time. All you need to do is to devote quality time to study the Past Questions.

Sample English Language Exam Questions and Answers

DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
Choose from the options lettered A-E, the option that most appropriately completes the sentence.
1. Obtaining a scholarship these days is a rare ______.
A. previlledge
B. priviledge
C. privilege
D. privilledge
E. priviledge

See the Answer
The correct answer is C.

Choose from the options lettered A-E, the option that most appropriately completes the sentence.
2. You have to be very good at a language before you can _______ it.
A. intaprete
B. interpit
C. interpret
D. interprete
E. interpreter

See the Answer
The correct answer is C.

Choose from the options lettered A-E, the option that most appropriately completes the sentence.
3. Yawning in public without covering one’s mouth shows lack of ______.
A. etequete
B. etiquette
C. etiquete
D. ettiquete
E. etequette

See the Answer
The correct answer is B.

DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
From the words lettered A-E, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
1. Crunch
A. chef
B. chemist
C. champagne
D. chart
E. chandelier

See the Answer
The correct answer is D.

From the words lettered A-E, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
2. birth
A. journal
B. berth
C. path
D. tour
E. armor

See the Answer
The correct answer is B.

From the options lettered A to E, choose the word that has the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.
3. /tʃ/
A. cheer
B. gear
C. just
D. share
E. soldier

See the Answer
The correct answer is A.

4. /w/
A. once
B. languor
C. ewe
D. sew
E. who

See the Answer
The correct answer is A.

From the options lettered A – D, choose the given word with the correct STRESS PATTERN:
5. agriculture
A. aGRIculture
B. Agriculture
C. agriCULture
D. agriculTURE

See the Answer
The correct answer is B.


DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the lettered options.
Read the passage carefully and answer the question.

1. As the stranger approached, Shola noticed that he was handsome and her excitement increased. It was of such a man she had dreamt. He had a fine, arrogant carriage, like a soldier or someone in authority. When he reached the end of the pier, he addressed them in a rich, deep voice that disturbed her as the voluptuous rising of the tide had done.

‘You’re Tunde Onu, I’m told,’ he said to her father.
‘That’s right,’ said her father.
‘The bus conductor told me you take people to the islands,’ the man continued.’ I’d like to go there if you can take me.’
Her father examined the man from head to foot, shrewdly measuring his capacity to pay. Then he said:
‘When were you thinking of going?’

‘Right away.’
‘That’s a different story, for my boatman is gone to Badagry and won’t be back before nightfall.
‘Oh! said the stranger,’ That’s too bad. You couldn’t get someone else instead of him?’
‘I would have to think hard’, he said gloomily,’ for it’s not everyone that would do for the job of going with me beyond the bay to the islands at this time of the year.’
Shola understood her father’s maneuver and felt ashamed.

Which of the following is true of the passage?
A. The stranger could not afford to miss the boat ride because he had come from a very far place.
B. Though the stranger had a rich deep voice, Shola’s father was more outspoken than him.
C. Shola and her father were idle when the stranger approached them.
D. Shola’s father sized the stranger’s capability to pay.

See the Answer
The correct answer is D.

2. The diseases afflicting Western societies have undergone dramatic changes. In the course of a century, so many mass killers have vanished that two-thirds of all deaths are now associated with the diseases of old age. Those who die young are more often than not, the victims of accidents, violence and suicide.
These changes in public health are generally equated with progress and are attributed to more or better medical care. In fact, there is no evidence of any direct relationship between changing disease patterns and the so-called progress of medicine.
The impotence of medical services to change life expectancy and the insignificance of much contemporary clinical care in the curing of diseases are all obvious, well documented but well suppressed.
Neither the proportion of doctors in a population nor the quality of the clinical tools at their disposal nor the number of hospital beds is a causal factor in the striking changes in disease patterns. The new techniques available to recognize and treat such conditions as pernicious anemia and hypertension, or to correct congenital malformations by surgical interventions, increase our understanding of disease but do not reduce its incidence. The fact that there are more doctors where certain diseases have become rare has little to do with their ability to control or eliminate them. It simply means that doctors, more than other professionals, determine where they work. Consequently, they tend to gather where the climate is healthy, where the water is clean and where people work and can pay for their services. Dollar to Naira Rate

The observance of strict rules is a feature of ______.
A. formality
B. dialects
C. languages
D. unconventionality

See the Answer
The correct answer is A.

Read the passage carefully and answer the question.
3. As the stranger approached, Shola noticed that he was handsome and her excitement increased. It was of such a man she had dreamt. He had a fine, arrogant carriage, like a soldier or someone in authority. When he reached the end of the pier, he addressed them in a rich, deep voice that disturbed her as the voluptuous rising of the tide had done.
‘You’re Tunde Onu, I’m told,’ he said to her father.
‘That’s right,’ said her father.
‘The bus conductor told me you take people to the island’, the man continued. ‘I’d like to go there if you can take me.’
Her father examined the man from head to foot, shrewdly measuring his capacity to pay. Then he said,
‘When were you thinking of going?’
‘Right away.’
‘That’s a different story, for my boatman has gone to Badagry and won’t be back before nightfall’.
‘Oh!’, said the stranger, ‘That’s too bad. You couldn’t get someone else instead of him?’
‘I would have to think hard’, he said gloomily, ‘for it’s not everyone that would do for the job of going with me beyond the bay to the island at this time of the year.’
Shola understood her father’s maneuver and felt ashamed.

How would you describe Shola’s father?
A. A greedy boat man.
B. An energetic but good-for-nothing man.
C. A loving father who wants to safeguard the interest of his daughter.
D. A talkative fool.
E. An arrogant man

See the Answer
The correct answer is A.

4. This passage sums up the two problems peculiar to the book trade which make it different from any other trade – the problem of selection and the problem of stocking. How is the book seller to tell what, in an enormous output, will prove saleable, before the full weight of unsold items affects the balance of his business, and how is he, at the same time, to hold a stock large enough to enable the public to choose freely? He may seek to escape from this dilemma by becoming the passive sales representative of large publishing houses or distribution networks, but he is then no longer a book seller. He may take refuge in the sale of safe items to a restricted circle of customers, but he hereby cuts himself off from all that is vital in his trade and dooms himself to mediocrity and stagnation. Dollar to Naira Rate
On the other hand, he may protect his business from the danger of idle stock by speculating on the latest publications, but this is a dangerous game in that it implies a constantly changing clientele: readers remain faithful to their own discoveries and failure to follow up a book, an author or a type of literature means dismissing the public responsible for their success.
This brings us back to the fact that books are undefinable. The story is told of a certain country with a great many generals where it was decided to present a rare and valuable edition of an old book to a general about to retire. The old soldier looked at the volume and remarked, ‘A book? What’s the point? I’ve already got one!’

How many solutions to the bookseller’s problems are offered in this passage?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
E. One

See the Answer
The correct answer is B.

5. As the stranger approached, Shola noticed that he was handsome and her excitement increased. It was of such a man she had dreamt. He had a fine, arrogant carriage, like a soldier or someone in authority. When he reached the end of the pier, he addressed them in a rich, deep voice that disturbed her as the voluptuous rising of the tide had done.
‘You’re Tunde Onu, I’m told,’ he said to her father.
‘That’s right,’ said her father.
‘The bus conductor told me you take people to the islands,’ the man continued.’ I’d like to go there if you can take me.’
Her father examined the man from head to foot, shrewdly measuring his capacity to pay. Then he said:
‘When were you thinking of going?’
‘Right away.’
‘That’s a different story, for my boatman is gone to Badagry and won’t be back before nightfall.
‘Oh! said the stranger,’ That’s too bad. You couldn’t get someone else instead of him?’
‘I would have to think hard’, he said gloomily,’ for it’s not everyone that would do for the job of going with me beyond the bay to the islands at this time of the year.’
Shola understood her father’s manoeuvre and felt ashamed.

‘Manoeuvre’ as used in the passage means _______.
A. shrewdness
B. cleverness
C. attitude
D. strategy
E. game

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7 Tips to Prepare for English Exams

  1. Don’t make reading your hobby: A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be in top priority and not as a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  2. Get Exams Preparation Materials: These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Babcock University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastery of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  3. Attend Extramural Classes: Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will not only help you refresh your memory but will boost your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  4. Sleep when you feel like: When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
  5. Make sure you are healthy: Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse, or a doctor. Make sure you are well.
  6. Eat when you feel like it: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, and to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you to enhance retention.
  7. Reduce your time on social media: Some people live their entire lives on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you score as high as possible.myPastQuestion.com.

We wish you good luck!

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