RCCG SOD Past Questions

English Past Question 2021

RCCG SOD Past Questions – Welcome to the rich repository of RCCG SOD Past Questions! The RCCG School of Disciples (SOD) stands as a pivotal platform within the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), devoted to nurturing individuals in spiritual growth, biblical understanding, and leadership development.

The RCCG SOD Past Questions are a treasure trove of invaluable resources designed to aid students and participants in their journey through the school’s program. These past questions encapsulate the depth and breadth of teachings, discussions, and examinations conducted within the SOD curriculum.

The School of Discipleship within the RCCG is renowned for its commitment to equipping individuals with a profound understanding of biblical principles, Christian ethics, and practical ministry insights. The RCCG SOD Past Questions encapsulate the essence of this training, providing a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Within these past questions, students and participants encounter a myriad of topics spanning the Bible, Christian theology, ministry, discipleship principles, and more. The questions are crafted to challenge, inspire, and foster critical thinking, allowing individuals to delve deeper into their faith and understanding of Scripture.

By exploring the RCCG SOD Past Questions, students and participants gain a multifaceted perspective on the teachings and discussions held within the School of Discipleship. These questions serve as a compass, guiding individuals through the diverse realms of spiritual growth, biblical interpretation, and leadership principles taught within the RCCG SOD.

Whether you’re a current participant seeking to reinforce your understanding or an aspirant preparing for enrollment, the RCCG SOD Past Questions stand as a beacon of knowledge, enabling individuals to navigate the rich tapestry of teachings and discussions offered within the School of Discipleship. Embrace these past questions as a companion on your journey towards spiritual maturity, deeper understanding of the Word, and active engagement in Christian service.

RCCG SOD Past Questions

RCCG SOD Past Questions Pattern

The RCCG SOD Past Questions follow a comprehensive pattern aligned with the School of Discipleship’s teachings. They encompass diverse biblical subjects, ministry principles, and Christian ethics. Questions are structured as multi-dimensional inquiries, covering scripture interpretation, theological concepts, and practical ministry insights. These past questions span various topics, fostering critical thinking and spiritual growth. The pattern emphasizes a holistic approach, integrating theoretical knowledge with real-life applications, enabling students to navigate the complexities of faith, leadership, and biblical understanding effectively within the RCCG SOD curriculum.

Why You Need RCCG SOD Past Questions

RCCG SOD Past Questions are indispensable for aspirants and students seeking a deeper grasp of biblical teachings, ministry principles, and leadership insights. These resources serve as a compass, guiding individuals through the diverse landscape of the School of Discipleship’s curriculum. They offer a roadmap to understand scriptural interpretations, theological concepts, and practical applications crucial for spiritual growth. Utilizing these past questions aids in comprehensive preparation, enabling candidates to navigate the complexities of the SOD program, reinforce their knowledge, and enhance critical thinking. Access to RCCG SOD Past Questions is pivotal for those aspiring to deepen their understanding of the Word and excel within the School of Discipleship.

RCCG SOD Past Questions Sample

There’s a time for embracing. Husbands should embrace their wives so that they do not fall into sin 1 Corinthians 7:5. However, the can set time where they will go without an embrace and consecrate themselves to the service of God. Some people also choose to go without an embrace and consecrate themselves fully to God for those people their reward in heaven would be fabulous. 1 Corinthians 7:27-29
1 Corinthians 7:27-29 Amplified Bible (AMP)

27 Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be released. Are you [a]unmarried? Do not seek a wife. 28 But if you do marry, you have not sinned [in doing so]; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned [in doing so]. Yet those [who marry] will have troubles (special challenges) in this life, and I am trying to spare you that. 29 But I say this, believers: the [b]time has been shortened, so that from now on even those who have wives should be as though they did not;

Ecclesiastes 3;6, you must be willing to let go of all material things to get the things of God. Mathew 10:39. A good example is Paul. He was he knew that to live forever one must be willing to die for the world. Also, anyone who’s says the lord is my shepherd should be willing to be a sheep. that’s obey his commandment.
1 John 5:4-5 Amplified Bible (AMP)

4 For [a]everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world—our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God].

5 Who is the one who is victorious and overcomes the world? It is the one who believes and recognizes the fact that Jesus is the Son of God.

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7 Tips to Prepare for RCCG SOD Exams

  1. Don’t make reading your hobby: A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be a top priority, not a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  2. Get Exams Preparation Materials: These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Babcock University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastery of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  3. Attend Extramural Classes: Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will help you refresh your memory and boost your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  4. Sleep when you feel like When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
  5. Make sure you are healthy: Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse, or a doctor. Make sure you are well.
  6. Eat when you feel like it: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, and to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you enhance retention.
  7. Reduce your time on social media: Some people live their entire lives on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you score as high as possible.myPastQuestion.com.

We wish you good luck!

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