UNEC Physiology MCQs Past Questions And Answers

Download original University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (UNEC) Physiology Past Questions and Answers below for your practice. We discovered 149 repeated questions from 2009 to 2016. Read it below and download your complete copy now.

This includes past MCQs in physiology exams administered to students of the following departments in the UNEC college of medicine

  1. Biochemistry
  2. Dentistry And Dental Surgery
  3. Medical Laboratory Technology / Science
  4. Medical Rehabilitation
  5. Medicine and Surgery
  6. Nursing / Nursing Science
  7. Pharmacy
  8. Radiography
  9. Veterinary Medicine

1. In the hemiplegia following a right-sided cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
A. Left-sided muscle weakness is evident.
B. Muscles in the left side of the body are unable to contract.
C. Muscles, which act on both sides of the body, such as respiratory muscles, tend to be spared.
D. Skilled movements are better preserved than unskilled movements.
E. Speech movements are better preserved than swallowing movements.
A. True – Voluntary movements such as making a handgrip are abnormally weak.
B. False – Voluntary control is lost but the muscles can contract in reflex, synergistic and other involuntary movements.
C. True – Perhaps because they have bilateral cortical representation.
D. False – The most affected movements are those requiring high levels of cortical control.
E. False – The vocal cord movements required for speech are more highly skilled than those required for swallowing.


2. As people age, there is usually a decrease in their
A. Ratio of lung residual volume to vital capacity
B. Percentage of vital capacity expelled in one second.
C. Lung volume level at which small airways start to close during expiration.
D. Lung elasticity
E. Resting arterial blood PO2
A. False – Residual volume increases and vital capacity decreases.
B. True – This gradually falls with normal ageing.
C. False – The ‘closing volume’ increases with age.
D. True – This increases residual and closing volumes.
E. True – There is, however, little change in oxygen saturation.


3. Compared with the adult, the newborn has less ability to
a. Excrete bilirubin
b. Maintain a constant body temperature
c. Tolerate brain hypoxia
d. Manufacture antibodies
e. Resist infection
A. True – ‘Physiological’ jaundice is due to immaturity of the liver
B. True – Temperature-regulating mechanisms are also immature
C. False – Fetal tissues are adapted to relative hypoxia
D. True – Immunological competence develops around three months of age
E. False – Maternal antibodies (supplied via the placenta and breast) provide effective passive immunity


4. Endolymph: [Select all that apply]
a. Is found within the membranous labyrinth
b. Has a potassium concentration close to that of extracellular fluid
c. Bathes the hair cells of the inner ear
d. Is electrically negative with respect to perilymph
e. Inertia is a factor in the stimulation of receptors in the semicircular canals during rotatory acceleration
a. True – Endolymph is found within the membranous labyrinth. Perilymph surrounds the membranous labyrinth
b. False – It is similar to that of intracellular fluid. Endolymph is similar to ICF in ionic composition
c. True – Endolymph bathes cochlear and vestibular hair cells
d. False – Endolymph is positive, of the order of 80 mV.
e. True – The inertia causes endolymph movements to lag those of the membranous labyrinth and displace the hairs of the hair cells


5. During a hospital treadmill exercise test, cardiac abnormality is suggested by
A. A heart rate greater than 150 beats per minute
B. A systolic arterial pressure greater than 150 mmHg
C. ST depression greater than 5 mm in the ECG
D. Inability to follow the usual protocol because of discomfort in the legs
E. A falling systolic arterial pressure during the test
A. False – This would be the predicted normal for someone of 70 years of age.
B. False – Systolic pressure rises to 200 mmHg in fit young people.
C. True – This level indicates severely inadequate blood flow (ischemia) – the threshold for definite abnormality is around 3 mm (0.3 mV) depression.
D. False – The abnormality (inadequate flow, muscle fatigue etc.) is in the legs.
E. True – This means the heart is failing to pump adequately and is a serious sign.


6. Hyperthyroidism is associated with a
A. Positive nitrogen balance.
B. Decreased urinary excretion of calcium.
C. Clinical picture consistent with excessive beta adrenoceptor stimulation.
D. Diminished heat tolerance.
E. Rise in the level of thyroxine-binding protein in plasma.
A. False – It is negative due to muscle wasting.
B. False – It rises due to liberation of calcium from bone.
C. True – Beta adrenoceptor blocking drugs relieve such features, e.g. tachycardia.
D. True – Heat intolerance is due to the increased heat production.
E. False – The protein levels are normal but they bind more thyroxine.


7. In atrial fibrillation
A. The electrocardiogram shows no evidence of atrial activity.
B. Ventricular rate is lower than atrial rate.
C. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia can usually be seen.
D. The ventricular rate is irregular.
E. The QRS complexes have an abnormal configuration.
A. False – Small rapid waves indicate the atrial fibrillation.
B. True – Atrial rate is higher than ventricular rate as some impulses are filtered out by the atrioventricular node.
C. False – Sinus arrhythmia indicates normal sinus rhythm.
D. True – Due to the irregularity of the impulses passing through the AV node.
E. False – QRS complexes are normal since the pattern of ventricular depolarization is normal.


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