UNICAL Physiology MCQs Past Questions And Answers


Download original University of Calabar (UNICAL) Physiology MCQs Past Questions And Answers below for your practice. We discovered 249 repeated questions from 2007 to 2016. Read it below and download your complete copy now.

This includes past MCQs in physiology exams administered to students of the following departments in the UNICAL college of medicine

  1. Dentistry And Dental Surgery
  2. Nursing / Nursing Science
  3. Radiography

1. Sudden complete loss of parathyroid function
A. Leads to skeletal muscle spasms
B. May be fatal if treatment is not given to raise the blood level of ionized calcium.
C. Causes hemorrhagic disease due to lack of calcium for hemostasis.
D. May be treated in the short-term by slow intravenous injection of calcium ions.
E. May be treated in the long-term by regular doses of vitamin D.
A. True – This is a central feature of tetany.
B. True – Due to severe convulsions
C. False – Calcium levels do not fall below the levels needed for hemostasis.
D. True – This is the acute treatment of choice, e.g. calcium gluconate.
E. True – This acts by increasing intestinal calcium absorption.

2. Stimulation of bicarbonate-rich pancreatic secretion is a function of:
a. Gastrin
b. Secretin
c. Cholecystokinin
d. Motilin
e. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
Correct answer: (b) Secretin
• Secretin helps regulate the pH of the duodenum by
o (1) Inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid from the parietal cells of the stomach and
o (2) Stimulating the production of bicarbonate from the ductal cells of the pancreas

3. Long-standing obstruction of the urethra may cause
A. Enlargement of the prostate gland
B. Hypertrophy of the bladder muscle
C. Dilation of the ureters
D. Reduction of the glomerular filtration rate
E. An increase in residual volume in the bladder
A. False – Prostatic enlargement is a cause, not a consequence, of urethral obstruction.
B. True – Due to the increased work it has to do.
C. True – Long-standing obstruction leads to urinary reflux when the uretero-vesical valves become incompetent.
D. True – Back-pressure in the ureters is transmitted to the nephrons and raises capsular pressure in the glomerulus.
E. True – This encourages urinary tract infection.

4. In pulmonary capillary blood
A. Carbonic anhydrase in erythrocytes catalyses the formation of H and HCO3
B. Hydrogen ions dissociate from hemoglobin.
C. The rise in PO2 is of greater magnitude than the fall in PCO2
D. The oxygen content is linearly related to alveolar PO2.
E. The pH is lower than in blood in the pulmonary artery.
A. False – It catalyses the conversion of H2CO3 to CO2 and H2O.
B. True – Oxygenation of hemoglobin favors this dissociation.
C. True – PO2 rises by at least 40 mmHg whereas PCO2 falls by only 6 mmHg.
D. False – It follows the sigmoid oxygen dissociation curve.
E. False – It is higher due to the diffusion of CO2 out of the blood to the alveoli.

5. Compound action potential is recorded from a:
a. Nerve trunk
b. Motor nerve fiber
c. Myelinated nerve fiber
d. Sensory nerve fiber
e. Single nerve fiber
Correct answer: (a) Nerve trunk
• Compound action potential = the sum of the activity in a number of nerve fibers. It applies to the degree of activity in a NERVE TRUNK in which a variable proportion of nerve fibers are discharging


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