UNILORIN Physiology MCQs Past Questions And Answers

Download original University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) Physiology Past MCQs Questions and Answers below for your practice. We discovered 210 repeated questions from 2010 to 2016. Read it below and download your complete copy now.

This includes past MCQs in physiology exams administered to students of the following departments in the UNILORIN college of medicine

  1. Nursing / Nursing Science
  2. Pharmacy
  3. Medicine and surgery
  4. Anatomy
  5. Veterinary medicine
  6. Physiology

1. During early inspiration there is an increase in
A. Heart rate
B. Central venous pressure
C. Intrapulmonary pressure
D. Abdominal girth
E. Afferent impulse traffic in the vagus nerves
A. True – This is part of the cycle of respiratory sinus arrhythmia.
B. False – It decreases due to expansion of the great veins.
C. False – It falls due to expansion of the thoracic cage.
D. True – Due to descent of the diaphragm
E. True – From stretch receptors in the lung mediating the Herring–Breuer reflex

2. If the hematocrit is 40, then the volume occupied by the:
(a) Red blood cells is 60% of the total blood volume
(b) White blood cells is 40% of the total blood volume
(c) Red blood cells is 40% of the total blood volume
(d) Plasma and other cellular elements is 40% of the total blood volume
(e) More than one of these
Ans. C
• Hematocrit or packed cell volume (Hct/PCV) is the volume occupied by red cells after blood is centrifuged at a high speed.
• Therefore, a hematocrit of 40% indicates that red blood cells is 40% of the total blood volume

3. During isometric ventricular contraction
A. The entry and exit valves of the ventricle are closed.
B. Pressure in the aorta rises.
C. Pressure in the atria falls.
D. Left coronary blood flow falls.
E. The rate of rise in pressure is greater in the right than in the left ventricle.
A. True – Hence no blood leaves the ventricles.
B. False – Pressure in the aorta falls as run-off of blood to the tissues continues.
C. False – It rises as ventricular pressure causes the AV valves to bulge into the atria.
D. True – The blood vessels are squeezed by the contracting myocardium.
E. False – The greater force of contraction in the left ventricle gives a greater rate of rise of pressure.

4. Possible consequences of hypothyroidism include having
A. A subnormal body core temperature
B. A tendency to fall asleep frequently
C. Increased body hair (hirsuitism)
D. Moist hands and feet
E. Prominent eyeballs
A. True – Due to the lowered metabolic rate
B. True – Due to the slowing of mental processes
C. False – Hair loss is characteristic of hypothyroidism
D. False – Decreased sweating is found in hypothyroidism
E. False – Prominent eyeballs are characteristic of the exophthalmos of hyperthyroidism

5. Amniotic fluid is
A. Formed in early pregnancy by filtration from fetal skin capillaries
B. Formed in late pregnancy by filtration from the gut mucosa
C. Swallowed by the fetus
D. Similar in electrolyte composition to plasma
E. Inhaled and exhaled by the fetus.
A. True – The non-keratinized skin is not waterproof
B. False – It is formed by the kidneys and excreted as urine in late pregnancy
C. True – Up to 0.5 liter/day is absorbed and excreted as urine
D. True – The protein content is, however, much lower
E. True – Surfactant from the lungs can be found in amniotic fluid in late pregnancy


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