NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions

English Past Question 2021

NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions – NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions are dynamic resources crucial for active, targeted preparation in the subject of Human and Regional Geography, as administered by the National Examinations Council (NECO). These materials are far from passive historical records; they actively engage students in a comprehensive review of the subject matter and exam format. Aspiring candidates can immerse themselves in these questions to develop a profound understanding of the diverse aspects of human geography, regional studies, and geographical concepts. By working with these past questions, students actively assess their knowledge, identify weak areas, and refine their analytical and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, these materials provide candidates with a practical preview of the examination environment, reducing test-related anxiety and bolstering their readiness to excel in the NECO Human and Regional Geography examination.

NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions

What is NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions

NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions refer to a collection of previous examination inquiries from the National Examinations Council (NECO) for the subject of Human and Regional Geography. These questions encompass a wide range of topics related to the study of human populations, their interactions with the environment, and regional geography.

Students preparing for NECO exams can benefit greatly from these past questions. They offer a comprehensive overview of the subject matter and examination format, helping candidates become familiar with the types of questions they might face. Active engagement with these past questions allows students to assess their understanding, identify areas requiring improvement, and develop effective study strategies. By practicing with these questions, students gain confidence and refine their problem-solving skills, ultimately increasing their chances of success in the NECO Human and Regional Geography examination, a vital step in their educational journey and understanding of global geography.

Why you need NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions

Past questions help you understand which area of the questions is more important than others. In doing so, you spend more time on the questions that are more important and give you more marks than others. This technique can help you if you have limited time.

NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions Pattern

The NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions is in a multiple-choice question pattern and essay. We have made it very easy for you. We bring all the questions for many years and put them together but we indicate the specific years of their occurrence. We provide the correct answers to save you time. All you need to do is devote quality time to studying the NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions and watch yourself change the narrative by scoring better than you expected in the examination.

Sample of NECO Human and Regional Geography Past Questions

Rural Settlements:

(i) Agriculture: The primary function of rural settlements is to support agriculture. These settlements serve as centers for farming activities and related support services.

(ii) Resource Extraction: Many rural settlements are located in areas rich in natural resources like minerals, forests, and water. They function as centers for resource extraction industries, such as mining and logging.

(iii) Social and Community Life: Rural settlements play a vital role in fostering close-knit communities and social bonds. They offer a sense of community belonging, where people often know each other and participate in communal activities and events.

(iv) Environmental Preservation: Some rural settlements may have a focus on environmental preservation and sustainable practices. They can serve as models for eco-friendly living and responsible use of natural resources.

Urban Settlements:
(i) Economic Hub: Urban settlements are essential economic centers, providing opportunities for employment, business, and trade. They attract various industries and services, driving economic growth.

(ii) Infrastructure and Services: Urban settlements offer a higher level of infrastructure and services, including healthcare, education, transportation, communication, and utilities, which are critical for supporting a large population.

(iii) Cultural and Educational Centers: Urban areas often become cultural and educational hubs with museums, universities, theaters, and diverse communities that promote the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and cultural practices.

(iv) Government and Administration: Cities serve as administrative and political centers, housing government offices, city councils, and other institutions that govern and manage the region.


(i) Employment Opportunities: Urban areas generally offer a wider range of job opportunities compared to rural regions, attracting individuals seeking better career prospects and higher wages.

(ii) Higher Standard of Living: Urban areas often provide a higher standard of living with improved access to education, healthcare, recreational facilities, and a variety of consumer goods and services.

(iii) Education and Training: Urban centers have more educational institutions, including universities, specialized training centers, and research facilities, attracting students and professionals seeking advanced education and skill development.

(iv) Cultural and Social Attraction: Urban areas often have diverse cultures, entertainment options, and social activities that appeal to individuals seeking a more cosmopolitan lifestyle and a sense of belonging to a vibrant community.

(v) Access to Better Infrastructure: Urban areas typically have better transportation systems, modern communication facilities, and reliable utilities, making life more convenient for residents.

(vi) Networking and Connectivity: Urban centers offer extensive networking opportunities for career growth, collaboration, and business partnerships, making them attractive to entrepreneurs and professionals.

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7 Tips to Prepare for NECO Human and Regional Geography Exams

  1. Don’t make reading your hobby: A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be a top priority, not a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  2. Get Exams Preparation Materials: These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Babcock University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastery of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  3. Attend Extramural Classes: Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will help you refresh your memory and boost your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  4. Sleep when you feel like: When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
  5. Make sure you are healthy: Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse, or a doctor. Make sure you are well.
  6. Eat when you feel like it: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, and to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you enhance retention.
  7. Reduce your time on social media: Some people live their entire lives on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you score as high as

We wish you good luck!

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