Top 50 Nestle Nigeria PLC interview questions and answers

See the latest Nestle Nigeria PLC interview questions and answers and possible solutions here. Do you have an interview with Nestle Nigeria PLC?

If yes, you will need the Nestle Nigeria PLC job interview past questions to prepare for the interview. Her you will also see the nature of the interview as conducted by Nestle Nigeria PLC.


50 Nestle Nigeria PLC interview questions and answers

  1. Tell me a time when you lead a team that consisted of various support groups?
  2. Name a time when you experienced conflict, and what was your course of action to resolve it.
  3. What do you think is the most important part of this poisition?
  4. Tell me about an experience from this (job on your resume) that has prepared you for working at Nestle
  5. Why Nestle
  6. If a customer contacts you and are very clearly angry about something how would you react?
  7. Do you have any driving experience?
  8. Do you have any prior driving from the passenger side history?
  9. Do you allow yourself to get worked up or upset easily?
  10. What were your challenges in your last role.
  11. Walk me through your resume.
  12. What do you know about Nestle
  13. Tell me about a time when you were in a conflict.
  14. Tell us a time when you worked with a group of difficult people/when your views conflicted.
  15. Tell us a time when something didn’t work the first time around.
  16. Tell us a time when you started a project without having to be promted.
  17. Describe a time you were put in a difficult situation and how did you overcome it?
  18. how well does one deal with difficult customers
  19. What is your Weaknesses and strengths.
  20. Where do you see your self in 5 years
  21. what is the most difficult sale you ever closed?
  22. why you choose to work in Nestle?
  23. What was a challenge I faced at work and how did I overcome it
  24. What is your work experience?
  25. Tell me about a time you had access issues and how you overcame it?
  26. Could you pass a drug test?
  27. Name one time you had to respond when things didn’t go as planned
  28. What makes you stand out from the other candidates at your university?
  29. Why are you interested in Nestle?
  30. What was your toughest sale, and what did you do to fix it?
  31. Would you be willing to accept X amount dollars per hour?
  32. Describe a challenge you had and how you overcame it
  33. Sell this pen
  34. Name a time when you faced a challenge and how did you overcome it.
  35. What motivates you?
  36. Why do you want to work for our company??
  37. tell me a time when you failed on a project?
  38. how did you handle that difficult manager or employee?
  39. Give me an example of dealing with a difficult employee
  40. tell us a time you changed a groups opinion.
  41. To tell them about the position I was applying for.
  42. Tell me about a time when you had to work on a project with limited resources.
  43. What steps did you take to fulfill that project? What was the outcome?
  44. Describe a time when you failed with a team or on a project? How did you react?
  45. Do you work well with others?
  46. Where do I want to be in 5 years?
  47. Why should we hire you
  48. What does good communication mean to you?
  49. Time when you had to call someone out within a group?
  50. Tell me when have changed a process for the better

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Thanks – The ExamsGuru Team.

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