WAEC Marketing Questions 2023 – Theory and Objective Here

WAEC Marketing Questions 2023 – West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is an examination board that conducts the West African Senior School Certificate Examination, for University and Jamb entry examination in West Africa countries. … In a year, over three million candidates registered for the exams coordinated by WAEC.



There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which will constitute a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1: will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions which will cover the entire syllabus. Candidates are expected to answer all the questions in 50 minutes for 40 marks.

PAPER 2: will be a 2-hour paper consisting of six essay questions, out of which candidates will be expected to answer any four for 80 marks.

WAEC Marketing 2023 Objectives Questions and Answers Out online

In this article, I will be showing you Marketing Questions with answers 2023/2024 to OBJ/theory for free. You will also understand how the 2023 WAEC Marketing questions are set and many other examination details.

1. The Consumer buying behaviors that requires the least effort is ……..

  • A Routine Buying
  • B High Buying
  • C Impulse Buying
  • D New Buying

The Correct Answer = C ( Impulse Buying)

2.The differentiation of a firm’s product from other competing goods is__________

  • A. Coding
  • B. Labelling
  • C. Packaging
  • D. Branding

The Correct Answer = B (Labelling)

3. Which of the following element is for external marketing environment is_____________

  • A. Economic indices
  • B. Company procedures
  • C. Corporate culture
  • D. Organization Policy

The Correct Answer= A ( Economics indices)

4. One of the following is a short term tools used in boosting turnover:

  • A. Personal selling
  • B Sales Promotion
  • C. Mass media
  • E. E-mail marketing

The Correct Answer = B ( Sales Promotion)

5. ………. Is an advertising leaflet that introduces the message off the advertisement

  • A. Headline
  • B. Photograph
  • C. Margin
  • D. Cut-out

The Correct Answer= A ( Headline)

6. The Amount of money charged for…..

  • A. Fare
  • B. Price
  • C. Revenue
  • D. Cash

The Correct Answer= B (price)

7. Which of the following best explain the process of collecting and Analyzing information about the external marketing environment?

  • A. Market Segmentation
  • B. Environmental management
  • C. Marketing Research
  • D. Marketing Management

The Correct Answer= C ( Marketing Research)

8.  All are examples of institutional consumers excerpt?

  • A. Hotels
  • B. Schools
  • C. Hospitals
  • D. Households

The Correct Answer=D ( Households 

9. E-mail marketing is also Called…..?

  • A. E-mail Order
  • B. Direct purchase
  • C. Internet Business
  • D. Electronic banking

The Correct Answer= C ( internet Business)

10.The willingness and ability to identify business opportunity, establish and operate it successfully is________

  • A. Distribution
  • B. Wholesaling
  • C. Entrepreneurship
  • D. Purchasing

The Correct Answer = C ( Entrepreneurship)

Practice the following Past Questions:

1.The performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer is

  • A. advertising.
  • B. marketing.
  • C. distribution.
  • D. promotion.

2.Goods produced for immediate consumption by a household is classified as

  • A. durable goods.
  • B. market goods.
  • C. industrial goods.
  • D. consumer goods.

3.One of the following is not a component of marketing mix.

  • A. Price
  • B. Product
  • C. Profit
  • D. Promotion

4.One of the following is not influenced by consumer behavior.

  • A. Life style
  • B. Culture
  • C. Religion
  • D. Distribution

5. The performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer is

  • A. distribution.
  • B. marketing.
  • C. advertising.
  • D. promotion.

6. In Nigeria, the body that ensures that its members operate according to their professional ethics is the

  • A) MAN
  • B) NPF
  • C) SON

7. The current highest decision-making body on privatization and commercialization of public enterprises in Nigeria is the

  • A) Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission
  • B) Securities and Exchange Commission
  • C) National Council on Privatization
  • D) Bureau of Public Enterprises

8. The principle of indemnity is NOT applicable to

  • A) Marine insurance
  • B) Accident insurance
  • C) Fire insurance
  • D) Life assurance

9. The advertising medium which combines sight and sound is the

  • A) Print media
  • B) Television
  • C) Radio
  • D) posters

10.The selling of goods in small units is normally performed by

  • A, brokers,
  • B, wholesalers,
  • C, retailer’s.
  • D. distributors,

Continue Marketing Objective WAEC Questions

11. A storage facility that uses an advanced material handling system under the control of a central computer is

  • A. a public warehouse,
  • B. an automated warehouse.
  • C. a distribution warehouse.
  • D, a storage warehouse,

12. The way in which a product is delivered to meet the customers’ need is

  • A. new product concepts,
  • B. selling concepts.
  • C. advertising activities.
  • D, distribution activities.

13. The process of encouraging consumers to buy products at retail outlets is

  • A. advertising.
  • B. publicity.
  • C. merchandising.
  • D. distribution,

14. Another term for marketing is

  • A. direct marketing.
  • B. internet marketing,
  • C. electronic banking.
  • D. electronic purchasing,

15. A document that accompanies goods in transit is a

  • A.manifest.
  • B, waybill.
  • C, bill of sight.
  • D. credit note,

16. Marketing concept means

  • A. buying and selling to customers,
  • B. selling and distribution to customers.
  • C. satisfying customers’ needs and wants.
  • D. advertising and promotion to customers

17. Meeting customer expectation regarding the quality a product is

  • A. customer satisfaction.
  • B. customer excellent.
  • C. customer loyalty,
  • D. customer value.

18. Which of the following channels of distribution will be used by a company that wants to have control over its price?

  • A. Manufacturer — Consumer
  • B. Manufacturer — Agent — Consumer
  • C. Manufacturer — Wholesaler — Retailer—Consumer
  • D. Manufacturer —Agent —Retailer -—* Consumer

19. Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix?

  • A. Place
  • B. Packaging
  • C. Price
  • D. Product

20. Competitive price in marketing is arrived at by

  • A. considering competitive demand for the product.
  • B. adding a mark-up to the cost price.
  • C. setting price in relation to competitors’ price.
  • D. adding a margin to the best price.

21. Marketing is defined as

  • A. buying and selling to customers.
  • B. selling and distribution to customers.
  • C. meeting customers need profitably.
  • D. Advertising and promotion to customers

22. A product by an organization for use in Carrying out a business is

  • A. an industrial product.
  • B. a specialty product.
  • C. a consumer product.
  • D. a convenience product.

23. Which of the following cannot be used to identify a product?

  • A. Trademark
  • B. Trade name
  • C. Pricing policy
  •  D. Package

Correct Today Marketing Objectives Questions and Answers for WAEC Loading.

Latest WAEC 2023 Marketing Theory Question and Answers PDF

Past Questions are given below:

(a) State five importance of middlemen in marketing.
(b)Explain five factors that can determine the type of channels of distribution to be used by a company.

2(a) What is a warehouse?
(b) Describe any three types of warehousing.
(c) State six functions of a warehouse

3(a) Explain the following:
(i) consular invoice
(ii) waybill

(b) Explain seven factors that will influence the place Tochukwu will locate his grocery business.

4(a) Explain five stages in marketing planing
(b) State five uses of feedback in marketing research.

5(a) What is merchandising?
(b) Mention four merchandising activities.
(c) State seven functions of merchandising.

Latest Free Objectives and Essay Marketing Questions and Answers for WAEC Loading…


  1. Fundamentals of Marketing by O.O. Shokan – MAM Education
  2. Commerce Textbook by G.A. Saka and Nnabuko J.O. – Emiola Publication Ltd
  3. Marketing in Nigeria: Concepts, Principles and Decisions, 2nd Edition by B.A. Agbonifoh, O.E Ogwo, D.A. Nnolim, and A.D. Nkamnebe,



  1. Introduction to Marketing

(a) Meaning;

(b) Explanation of basic terms in marketing: needs, wants, demands,

product, exchange, transactions, and markets,

(c) Brief history of marketing in Nigeria;

(d) Functions of marketing.

  1. Marketing Concepts

(a) Meaning;

(b) Various marketing concepts (production, product, selling, marketing and societal marketing).

  1. Marketing Mix and Marketing Environment

(a) Meaning;

(b) Elements;

(c)i Explain Marketing Environment

(c)ii Factors affecting marketing environment:

– political;

– cultural;

– religious;

– economic;

– technological;

– social.

  1. Products

(a) Meaning;

(b) Classification (Industrial goods, consumer goods,

services, primary and secondary products and mineral products-oil and non oil;

(c) Distinctions between classes of products.

(d) Product Design*

  1. Markets

(a) Meaning;

(b) Classification:

– Consumer;

– Organization (industrial, reseller and government)

  1. Consumer and Organizational Behaviour

(a) Meaning;

(b) Influencing factors;

(c) Decision process in logical order

  1. Marketing Planning and Research

(a)i Meaning, process and importance;

ii Elements of marketing planning;

iii Information required for marketing planning

(b) Reasons for marketing planning and research.

(c) Utilization of feedback

  1. Pricing

(a) Meaning;

(b)i Strategies (haggling, cost-plus, demand and


ii Application of strategies*

(c) Price determinants.

  1. Advertising

(a) Definition;

(b) Functions;

(c) Media – meaning, types, advantages and disadvantages.

(d) Production of sample adverts*

  1. Sales Promotion

(a) Meaning and Functions;

(b) Forms – price-off, coupons, salesmen competition,

loyalty schemes, premium offers, trade-in-allowance,

sampling, training schemes, and merchandising incentives.

  1. Merchandising

(a) Meaning;

(b) Elements (packaging, branding and labeling)

(C) Influencing factors;

(d) Functions.

  1. Distribution

(a) Definition;

(b) Channels of distribution (definition and types)

(c) Factors influencing choice of distribution channels

(d) Functions of channel members.

  1. Transportation

(a) Meaning, mode, choice and importance;

(b) Documents used in transportation;

(c) Factors affecting choice of transportation

  1. Warehousing

(a) Meaning, types and functions.

(b) Activities in the warehouse

  1. Market Unions and Facilitators

(a) Market Unions (Meaning and types)

(b) Roles of Market Unions in local markets;

(c) Market Facilitators – meaning, types and roles.

  1. International Marketing

(a) Meaning, importance/reasons and methods of engaging in international marketing,

(b) Influencing factors;

(c) Guiding rules and regulations;

  1. ICT in Marketing

(a) E-Marketing (electronic marketing) – meaning, ,importance, uses,ethics and abuses.

  1. Entrepreneurship in Marketing

(a) Meaning of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur;

(b) Sources of funds;

(c) Factors affecting location of a market outlet;

(d) Management of market outlets – purchase and supply of goods and services;

(e) Selling and bargaining skills;

*Emphasis should be on practical

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