UNILAG Physiology MCQs Past Questions And Answers

Download original University of Lagos (UNILAG) Physiology Past MCQs and Answers below for your practice. We discovered 203 repeated questions from 2008 to 2013. Read it below and download your complete copy now.

This product contains past MCQs in physiology exams administered to students of the following departments in the UNILAG College of medicine

  1. Dentistry and Dental Surgery
  2. Medicine and Surgery
  3. Biochemistry
  4. Nursing / Nursing Science
  5. Pharmacology
  6. Pharmacy
  7. Physiotherapy
  8. Radiography

1. Gastric

A. Acid secretion in response to a lowered blood sugar is mediated by the hormone gastrin.
B. Emptying is facilitated by sympathetic nerve activity.
C. Acid secretion increases when histamine H2, muscarinic M1 or gastrin receptors are activated.
D. Acid secretion is inhibited by the presence of food in the duodenum.
E. Contraction waves pass over the stomach at a rate of about ten per minute
A. False – It is mediated through a vagal reflex and is absent in vagotomized stomachs.
B. False – This delays gastric emptying.
C. True – Histamine from mast-like cells activates H2 receptors, acetylcholine from parasympathetic nerve endings activates M1 receptors and gastrin activates gastrin receptors.
D. True – The neural/hormonal mechanisms responsible for the inhibition are not certain.
E. False – The normal rate is around 3/minute.


2. A pituitary tumor secreting excess growth hormone (GH) in an adult may lead to
A. A homonymous hemianopia
B. Giantism
C. Reduced levels of somatomedins in blood.
D. Enlargement of the liver
E. A raised blood glucose level
A. False – Damage to the crossing nasal retinal fibers in the optic chiasma leads to bitemporal hemianopia.
B. False – After puberty when the epiphyses have closed, excess GH causes acromegaly.
C. False – GH leads to increased production of somatomedins in the liver.
D. True – Body organs as well as the peripheries increase in size in acromegaly.
E. True – Growth hormone has ‘diabetogenic’ effects.


3. Auscultation of the heart can provide evidence of

A. The direction of turbulent flow causing a murmur
B. Aortic stenosis, if there is a loud pre-systolic murmur in the aortic valve area.
C. Mitral incompetence, if a systolic murmur is heard in the axilla
D. Ventricular septal defect, if a loud diastolic murmur is heard.
E. Mitral stenosis, if an early diastolic and pre-systolic murmurs are heard.
A. True – The direction in which the murmur is conducted indicates the direction of flow.
B. False – The characteristic murmur is a systolic murmur conducted to the neck vessels.
C. True – This is the direction of flow of the regurgitant blood.
D. False – The murmur occurs during ventricular contraction and is therefore systolic.
E. True – Mitral flow is greatest in early diastole but rises again during atrial systole.


4. Deficiency of factor VIII (antihaemophilic globulin)

A. Increases the bleeding time.
B. Is due to an abnormal gene on the Y chromosome.
C. To 75 per cent of its normal value results in excessive bleeding after tooth extraction.
D. Causes small (petechial) haemorrhages into the skin to cause purpura.
E. Affects the extrinsic, rather than the intrinsic, pathway for blood coagulation.
A. False – Clotting time is increased, but bleeding time is determined by platelets and by vascular contraction.
B. False – It is due to a recessive abnormality of the X chromosome.
C. False – Abnormal bleeding does not occur until the level falls below 50 per cent.
D. False – Purpura is caused by capillary or platelet disorders.
E. False – It affects the intrinsic pathway.


5. Neutrophil granulocytes

A. Are the most common leukocyte in normal blood
B. Contain proteolytic enzymes
C. Have a lifespan in the circulation of 3–4 weeks
D. Contain actin and myosin microfilaments
E. Are present in high concentration in pus
A. True – They comprise 60–70 per cent of circulating leukocytes
B. True – Their granules contain such enzymes, which, with toxic oxygen metabolites, can kill and digest the bacteria they engulf
C. False – Less than a day
D. True – Responsible for their amoeboid motility
E. True – Pus consists largely of dead neutrophils


6. Helium is used to replace nitrogen in gas breathed by divers because it

A. Is more soluble in body fluids.
B. Diffuses through the tissues more rapidly
C. Causes less depression of cerebral function
D. Diminishes the work of breathing relative to nitrogen
E. Combines less readily with hemoglobin
A. False – Being less soluble, less goes into solution during compression so there is less bubble formation during decompression.
B. True – This also reduces the time needed for decompression.
C. True – It is less narcotic than nitrogen.
D. True – It is less viscous than nitrogen.
E. False – Neither combine with hemoglobin.


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